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ایک آدمی نے اپنے دوست کے گھر فون کیا


 濡れ髪でもできるスタイリング ブラシで戻します スリックバックはクラシックで、管理が簡単で、誰の外観も即座に高めることができます.コームで後ろ髪をブラッシングし、シャイン ヘアスプレーで仕上げて、きれいなウェット ルックに仕上げます。スリックバックは、ショートヘアを含め、さまざまな髪の質感や長さに適した、用途の広いストレートヘアのヘアスタイルです. サイド部 サイド部分のヘアスタイルは、エレガンスと洗練の縮図です。部分を横に変えるだけで、髪を太く、ふっくら、健康的に見せることもできます.この外観を実現するには、湿った髪を目的の側に吹き付けることから始めます。髪がほぼ乾いたら、たっぷりのジェルを使って濡れたような印象を与え、仕上げに幅の広い歯のくしとヘアスプレーで最大限のホールドとツヤを出します。 自然な巻き毛 自然なカールの人にとって、濡れた髪は素晴らしい代替品です.髪の毛に海塩スプレーを吹きかけ、自然乾燥させて、蒸し暑いビーチの外観にします。また、ヘアジェルと輝きを高めるヘアスプレーを使用する必要があります. 髪を健康に保ち、最高のウェット ヘア ルックを実現 濡れた髪の外観は、非公式の社交の場には適しているかもしれませんが、ビジネスの場には理想的ではないかもしれません.また、ウェットルックは素晴らしいヘアスタイルですが、髪が健康で水分を含んでいる場合にのみ見栄えがします. 最高の濡れた髪の外観のために、髪をコンディショニングして健康に保つために使用できるいくつかのヘア製品を次に示します。 WOW スキン サイエンス オニオン ブラック シード ヘア オイルは、毛幹にすばやく吸収される、べたつかない、ベタつかない製品です。それは、抗酸化物質が豊富で、髪をより強く滑らかにするのに役立つ必須栄養素が詰まった最高のヘアオイルの混合物です.


 あなたの髪を濡れたように見せる方法は? かなり長い間、ヘア スタイルとしてのウェット ルックは、セレブやファッション ランウェイで発見されてきました。いいえ、この美容トレンドに参加するために、髪を濡らして外に出る必要はありません.ウェットルックのヘアスタイルを自由に使えるグラムチームがなくても、自分でウェットで光沢のある外観を実現できます. 最初は圧倒的に見えるかもしれませんが、この滑走路対応の外観を再現するのは実際には非常に簡単です.夏は間違いなくその季節ですが、それは一年中いつでも着用できるヘアスタイルです.その信じられないほどの多用途性は別として、濡れた髪の外観の最も良い点は、プロのヘアスタイリストのサービスを必要としないことです. 次の簡単な手順に従って、目的の外観を実現してください。 ステップ1:洗って乾かす 髪を完全に乾かさないでください!これは、濡れた髪の外観を得る上で非常に重要なステップです.代わりに、髪をタオルドライするか、Tシャツを使用して余分な水分を吸収します.これは、特にウェーブのかかった髪、巻き毛、またはコイル状の髪の場合に、縮れを防ぐのにも役立ちます. ステップ2:ヘアジェルを塗る 湿った髪の外観に関しては、製品をケチらないでください。はい、一度だけあなたのヘアジェルに夢中になることができます!根元から始めて、髪の毛全体にかなりの量のヘアジェルを塗布します。少量のヘアジェルから始め、必要に応じて追加して、真の「ウェットヘア」効果を実現します.練習すれば、何が自分に最も適しているかがわかりますが、使用するジェルが多いほど、髪が濡れて見えることに注意してください. ステップ 3: 髪のスタイリング 実現したい外観に応じて、さまざまな種類の櫛とヘアブラシを使用してストランドをスタイリングできるようになりました.たとえば、細かい歯の櫛を使用して、赤ちゃんの毛と根元を滑らかにし、さらに絹のような滑らかな外観にします.必要に応じて、幅の広い歯の櫛を使用して顔から髪を払い、波を定義してより自然でビーチのような外観にするか、濡れた髪のもつれをほぐすブラシを使用します。濡れた髪、特に製品が詰まった濡れた髪は非常に壊れやすいので、優しくしてください.ステップ4:輝きを加える ボトルを髪から 6 ~ 8 インチ離した状態で、根元を避けて、長さ全体に均...

शादी के लिए ब्लैक ब्राइड मेकअप आईडिया [2023 गाइड]? ब्लैक ब्राइड मेकअप आइडियाज?

 शादी के लिए ब्लैक ब्राइड मेकअप आईडिया [2023 गाइड]?   शादी के लिए ब्लैक ब्राइड मेकअप आइडियाज [2023 गाइड] आपकी शादी बस कुछ ही देर में है और आप अब तक की सबसे खूबसूरत दिखना चाहती हैं। लेकिन जब आपकी त्वचा सुनहरी है, तो आपका मेकअप इसे अगले स्तर पर ले जाएगा, और हम यहां आपको चमकते हुए देखने के लिए हैं। इसलिए यदि आप प्रेरणा की तलाश में हैं, तो हमने इस पोस्ट में कुछ बेहतरीन ब्लैक ब्राइड मेकअप आइडियाज पर चर्चा की है। चाहे आप एक प्राकृतिक, न्यूनतावादी, ग्लैम, या बीची लुक चाहते हों, हमारे पास शादी की हर थीम और व्यक्तित्व को फिट करने के लिए लुक हैं। इस पोस्ट का अनुसरण करें, प्रेरित हों, और अपने खास दिन पर सबसे अलग दिखें। यदि आप अपने प्राकृतिक स्वर को बनाए रखना चाहते हैं तो सबसे अच्छा ब्लैक ब्राइड मेकअप विचार, आड़ू एक आवश्यक उपक्रम है। यह आपके मेकअप को रसीला और सरल बनाए रखने में भी मदद करता है। हालाँकि, आप सॉफ्ट स्प्रिंग लुक के लिए लॉन्ग पिंक लिपस्टिक के साथ पीच आईशैडो के शेड्स भी पहन सकती हैं। अपने होठों को गुलाबी मैट लिपस्टिक रंगों, और लाल या नग्न होंठों के दाग से भरकर अपनी आँखों की ...

Black Bride Makeup Ideas For Wedding [2023 Guide]? Black Bride Makeup Ideas?

Black Bride Makeup Ideas For Wedding [2023 Guide]. Your wedding is in a bit and you want to look the most beautiful you’ve ever been. But while your skin is gold, your makeup will take it to the next level, and we are here to see you shine. So if you are looking for inspiration, we have discussed some of the best black bride makeup ideas in this post. Whether you want a natural, minimalist, glam, or be achy look, we’ve got looks to fit every wedding theme and personality. Follow this post, get inspired, and stand out on your big day. the best black bride makeup ideas, peach is an essential undertone if you want to maintain your natural tone. It also helps your makeup stay lush and simple. However, you can also wear shades of peach eye-shadow paired with long pink lipstick for a soft spring look. Compliment your eyes by filling your lips with pink matte lipstick shades, and red or nude lip bride makeup doesn’t get better than subtly defined eyes, flushed lips, and fasci...

How to Style Wet Hair? Style Wet Hair?

How to Style Wet Hair? 1 Spray your hair with a detangler. A detangler will help lubricate knots and tangles so you can run your fingers through your hair easily. Hold the detangling spray about 6 inches (15 centimeters) away from your hair, and spray about 4 to 6 squirts onto your hair. [1] You may consider spraying a few more squirts if your hair is long or has a lot of texture.  2 Pull your hair back into a ponytail. When most of the tangles are removed, brush your hair back, and up into a high ponytail position at the crown of your head. You can use your fingers to smooth out your hair if it is very wet.  3 Secure your ponytail. Use a hair tie to secure your high ponytail. Twist it around your hair as many times as necessary to hold it in place, but avoid making it tighter than necessary. When your ponytail is tied, run your fingers through the ponytail to smooth out your hair. [3]X 4 Twist the ponytail into a bun. Twist the ponytail in one direction, starting at the bas...

How to do HD Makeup? HD Makeup?घर पे HD मेकअप कैसे करें

HD Makeup? HD Makeup is done the traditional way, i.e. with brushes and blending sponges. HD makeup is done using the high-end HD products which are designed in a specific way that they scatter light on the skin making it look softer and prettier. These products are a little expensive than traditional makeup products. These products are lighter in texture, spread smoother, blend seamlessly and offer a more skin-like finish. As mentioned above, the HD makeup products are made with the use of light-scattering and light-reflective particles. These particles help to diffuse the focus from your flaws. HD Makeup is suitable for all skin type as the fine particles blend perfectly into the skin and give an even and flawless look. HD Makeup stays behind when it comes to longevity. It doesn’t last as long as Airbrush makeup does. But the HD Products are not enough to achieve a stunning bridal makeup. The manual skill of the MUA is of utmost importance as well. you are least likely to get a natu...

How to do Airbrush Makeup? Airbrush Makeup?

How to do Airbrush Makeup?  Airbrush is sprayed slowly over the face which makes it appear lighter than the traditional makeup. But if your makeup artist has the tendency to apply heavy foundation then it will heavier even with the airbrush technique. Let your MUA know your preference. Another thing that you must know is that the Airbrush Makeup products contain silicon that fills up the pores and fine lines. But it does it to an extent. Airbrush makeup is unable to cover the blemishes completely and sometimes the blemish appears behind the makeup. A professional is needed to fix the flaw manually. These products are mostly hypoallergenic in nature which means they work great for sensitive skin types. As the name itself suggests, this kind of makeup is done using a special makeup tool called airbrush or airgun. It doesn’t involve prolonged blending with brushes or sponges. The foundation or other makeup products are poured on the chamber of airgun which is then sprayed on the ...


STEP BY STEP INDIAN WEDDING GUEST MAKEUP FOR YOUR NEXT BIG FAT PARTY? weddings are fascinating, there is no denying that. From bright and colourful outfits to lip-smacking foods, these weddings are often unmatched in glamour and grandeur. you want to make sure you look your best for the hundreds of wedding photos, but you also don’t want to go over the top. If you are struggling to create the perfect wedding guest makeup look, here is a simple step by step guide that you can follow to rock all upcoming weddings!  Step 1 – Prep your lips?  Before you even begin with your Indian wedding guest makeup, prep your lips with a hydrating lip balm to get your lips ready for the lip makeup that will follow. Lip balms prime and nourish your lips and smoothen the texture to give you a smooth and even lipstick application. The Maybelline Baby Lips Lipcare keeps your lips moisturized for up to 8 hours and the SPF in it also protects your lips from the damaging sun rays. So, coat your lips w...


WHAT DOES BB CREAM DO?  Considerably lighter and offering a more sheer coverage than foundations, these pumped-up, tinted moisturizer provide skin-perfecting benefits to refresh brighten hydrate smooth and even out your skin tone for a flawlessly radiant look. An additional BB cream benefit found in most BB creams is sunscreen, which helps protect your skin from the sun’s damaging rays. For the best results, use a BB cream containing ingredients such as glycerin, Niacin amide and at least SPF 15. Glycerin helps hydrate skin by holding onto moisture; Niacin-amide helps increase surface cell renewal to lift away dead skin cells for a fresh, even, rejuvenated complexion; and SPF protects against UV rays. Our recommendation is Oliay Total Effects BB Day Cream, which comes in two shades: fair and medium. They both instantly even out your complexion with a touch of foundation as well as nourishing and protecting your skin to deliver 7 benefits in 1: hydrating, boosting glow, evening s...


WHAT DOES CC CREAM DO?  In addition to offering a lighter coverage than a foundation, CC creams provide you with extra anti-ageing properties (AA + BB = CC!) and have a more airy texture compared to the thick and heavy texture of BB creams. CC cream is recommended for those with enlarged pores redness caused by rosacea or uneven texture. Look for CC creams with Niacinamide as well as Vitamins B and E to help recapture your skin’s youthful glow. Niacinamide helps exfoliates skin to reduce the look of wrinkles, while Vitamins B and E help strengthen your skin's natural defence against moisture loss. For our most potent complexion corrector action, check out Olay Regenerist CC Cream SPF15, available in two shades, light and dark. It boasts the same skin benefits as our BB creams, but contains 50 percent more skin perfecting ingredients for a more visible effect. It also contains SPF 15 to protect your skin from sun damages caused by UVA & UVB rays.

RMS Beauty “Un” Cover-Up Concealer? Beauty “Un” Cover-Up Concealer?

“The two main differences we want to look for when buying a concealer are face concealer and eye concealer,” explains Kendall. “Typically we want a hydrating concealer to go under the eye and soften the look of any fine lines. Concealer for the face tends to be more dense and drying and this is perfect for covering up that pesky blemish or discoloration.” Concealer, “Concealer is a must-have staple in your beauty routine,” says Kendall, and we couldn’t agree more! It’s a versatile product that not only hides discoloration, fine lines, age spots and other blemishes around your eyes, but it can also serve as a base for your eye shadow or lipstick and even as a contouring product.

What makeup looks good on simple?

What makeup looks good on simple?  Image result for simple makeup Below, we list down the absolute makeup must-haves for beginners. Primer. Primers tend to go overlooked, especially by makeup newbies, but it's definitely one that your makeup kit should never be without. ... Foundation. ... Concealer. ... Bronzer. ... Neutral Eyeshadow Palette. ... Eyeliner. ... Mascara. ... Brow Powder. We all remember our firsts—and if you’re new to the world of makeup, that includes the first time you tentatively applied foundation while wondering if it was really your skin’s perfect shade-match, or if you should ditch the brush and go for a beauty sponge instead (we’ll get to that later). Fact is, while trying on makeup for the first time can definitely be exciting, finding the right makeup products can also be a challenge. With so many brands and formulas to choose from, it’s fairly easy for any beauty novice to get overwhelmed. So to help get you started, we enlisted the expert advice of Je...

How can I do my makeup in 10 minutes? How can I glow my face in 5 minutes?How can I glow my face in 2 minutes?

  How can I do my makeup in 10 minutes?  How to Apply Makeup in 10 Minutes or Less 01 of 07. Start with the Eyes. ... 02 of 07. Use Your Fingers. ... 03 of 07. If You Use a Makeup Sponge, Make Sure It's Damp. ... 04 of 07. Take Advantage of Multi-Tasking Products. ... 05 of 07. Choose the Right Brow Product. ... 06 of 07. Don't Rush to Fix Mistakes. ... 07 of 07. Take Care Of Your Skin.  You can I glow my face in 10 minutes?  Make a solution of lemon juice and water in the ratio of 2:3 and gently apply to your skin using cotton. Leave for 10 minutes and wash with cool water. Then pat dry. You can also add a few drops of lemon juice to other homemade face masks.  How can I glow my face in 5 minutes?  Mix 2 tablespoons of papaya pulp with 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 tablespoon of oats and enough cold milk to make a slightly runny paste. Massage it in circular motions on your face and your body if needed . How can I glow my face in 2 minutes?  Take 2 table...

What is Hello Lashes? How to do Easy-To-Remove?

Makeup Kit All-in-one Makeup Gift Set for Women Full Kit, Include Makeup Brush Set, Eye-shadow Palette, Lip Gloss Set, Lipstick, Blush, Foundation, Concealer, Mascara, Eyebrow Pencil About this item  【All In One Makeup Set】 A perfect starter makeup kit that includes eye shadow palette, Pressed powder,lipstick palette, lip-gloss, lipstick ,concealer cream, makeup brush, concealer palette, eyebrow cream, concealer stick,HD concealer, eyebrow cream, eyeliner, lip balm, mascara, foundation, powder puff, travel bag. All women's essentials in one elegant box and a great gift for any occasion. 【High Quality & Waterproof & Long-lasting】 High quality ingredients with silky shine color, easy to blend and apply, long lasting effect, waterproof, no dye. Suitable for a variety of skin tones, creating clear and brilliant three-dimensional face makeup finish. Perfect for party makeup, casual makeup, wedding makeup etc. 【Best For Beginners and Professionals】 Perfect for makeup beginners ...

What is Eyelash Brush? What is Cosmetic Eyelash? Upper Lower Eye Lash?

Eyelash Brush Tool? Makeup Cosmetic Eyelash Tool Upper Lower Eye Lash Mascara Guard Applicator ,for Women Girls, About this item Package Includes:2 x Eyelash Comb,(pink, blue) . Keeps mascara from getting on your eyelids Product material: pp plastic,Eyelashes Tools Size:10.5cm/4.1inch x 4.3cm/1.7inch.Brush your lashes with the eyelash comb to tidy up the lashes. Multi-functions: Eyelash Brush Tool,3 in 1 Makeup Cosmetic Eyelash Tool Upper Lower Eye Lash Mascara Guard Applicator Curved comb design: we designed the eyelash tools with curved comb which can separate the lashes and fix the eyelash; You also can use the comb after applying coat of mascara for natural looking Not satisfied 100% refund, About Eyelashes Comb have any question, Please connect us anytime,We will provide best service and Do our best for you.

What is Facial Sponges? Daily Cleansing,?Natural Cellulose Spa Sponge?

Compressed Facial Sponges for Daily Cleansing and Gentle Exfoliating?  100% Natural Cellulose Spa Sponge Perfect for Removing Dead Skin, Dirt and Makeup About this item Multi Purpose Sponge - Soft, gentle and effective, suitable for daily face wash, deep pore cleansing, exfoliating, removing dead skin, dirt and makeup. 100% Natural - Made of 100% natural cellulose extracted from wood pulp, friendly to all skin types, oily skin, sensitive skin, dark skin and acne skin types included. Reusable and Biodegradable - After each use, wring out the water, air dry and use again, eco-friendly. Packing Quantity – 50-count little round compressed cellulose facial sponges, keep skin smooth and fresh all the time. Perfect Size and Travel Essentials - Each sponge is compressed into a thin disc for easy storage and travel. Once it has absorbed water, it will expand to full size. (2.9” in diameter x 0.32” in thickness)

What is best cream eye shadow? Cream eye shadow?Is cream eyeshadow better?

What is best cream eye shadow? About this item 11th Hour is a cream eye-shadow & liner that delivers incredible payoff and stay with you for 11+ hours. Waterproof, smudge-proof and crease-proof! The formula goes on creamy, then dries down to a soft, natural finish. The formula is build able, bendable, and easy to apply directly with the finger or any brush. Infused with Jojoba Oil & other natural oils to keep your eyelids feeling soft while locking in that look for the long haul. One end of the eye-shadow stick contains a built-in sharpener so you can quickly turn your stick into a precision, smudge-proof eyeliner. Forget packing a bulky palette – lighten your bag with eye-shadow sticks in the shades you actually use. Clean, Vegan, Cruelty-free, Parable-free, Travel-Friendly.

What is vegan makeup brushes? Vegan makeup brushes?

  Eye Brushes Jessup Eye Brushes Set, Vegan Makeup Brushes with Concealer Powder Eyeshadow Blending Eyeliner Stoolie Brush, 16pcs Premium Synthetic Black Cosmetic Brush T272 About this Vegan makeup Brushes, [ Professional-Grade Eye Brush Set] All these 16pcs cosmetic brushes that we picked are the professional-grade eye makeup brushes to serve a distinct makeup purpose to make sure you have all brushes needed to create a perfect eye makeup. Designed for makeup artists and professional cosmetic users but also amateurs [ Excellent Quality ] Jessup eye brushes set are purely handmade: Exclusive synthetic fibers engineered to better hold, apply and blend product; Responsibly-sourced, lightweight wood handles with 7 coats of black paint and primer for lasting beauty, 100% lead-free [ Comfortable Using Experience ] Jessup vegan eye makeup brushes with amazingly thick and soft synthetic fiber hair that so gentle on your skin and leaves a silky smooth feeling. The right size take it easy t...

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