The 11 Best Fruits for Weight Loss
Next up on our list is bananas, which are a great source of potassium, vitamin B6, manganese, magnesium, vitamin C, fol-ate, and protein.
With all of these vitamins and nutrients, bananas are very helpful for both general health and specific ailments, from muscle cramps to headaches. Bananas also make for an excellent fat burner because they offer high levels of dietary fiber while being low in calories. Consider it to be one of the main ingredients when it comes to healthy meal and snake smoothies.
2. Watermelon
Watermelon is a great source of vitamin C, minerals, lycopene, and water. A study concluded that consuming two cups of watermelon a day could increase satiety and reduce weight,BMI, and blood pressure. Another study stated that the lycopene in watermelon might help reduce oxidative stress, a key contributor to high blood sugar (hyperglycemia).
3. Lemon
Lemon is probably one of the most versatile weight-loss fruits out there. This sour citrus offers high levels of vitamin C and smaller amounts of thiamine, calcium, magnesium, copper, fol-ate, and pantheistic acid.
Lemons alkalize the body and improve digestion and detox. They can also potentially support bone health, increase iron absorption, prevent or even dissolve kidney stones, enhance immunity and heart health, and clear up the skin. Consuming something as simple as lemon water can work wonders for the body.
Apples are great for weight loss thanks to their high water content and low calorie count.
All apples are generally in the same ballpark when it comes to nutritional value, but if you’re curious which apple has the least sugar. (by about 3 grams).
Besides their low calorie count, blueberries are also rich in anthologists, a flavoring that can help reduce weight gain and body fat.
Some studies have even shown that blueberries may be able to reduce belly fat specifically. Talk about one of the best fat burning foods!
They're also delicious in these low crab pancakes!
6. Papaya
A tropical fibrous gem, One small papaya provides 67.5 calories and 2.7 grams of fiber. It is also high in vitamin C (95.6 mg) and has an 88% water content.
The high fiber and water content help to increase satiety, so you may end up consuming fewer calories throughout the day.
Moreover, they may help in reducing bloating and with regular bowel movements.
7. Oranges
As one of the sweetest citrus fruits, oranges are low in calories and high in vitamin C and fiber. One medium sized orange provides 65 kcal, 3.4 g of fiber, and has 87% of water.
They also help with weight loss because of their fiber and water content. Like apples, they are very portable and keep you full for longer after eating.
8. Pineapple
Pineapples are rich in vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, and nutrients. In a study, lab animals on a high-fat diet showed improved hydrolysis (fat breakdown) and decreased parthenogenesis (fat synthesis) after consuming pineapple juice.
Consume a cup of pineapple every day to improve digestion and induce fat breakdown. You may also follow the pineapple diet for quicker weight loss.
Making these fruits a part of your regular diet can help with weight loss. In addition to these, if you are trying to lose weight, there are other fruits you may want to avoid (as they contain more calories and/or have a high hypoglycemic index).
9. Strawberries
Strawberries are low in carbohydrates and calories and are one of the many quick weight-loss fruits out there. They are incredibly healthy and won’t spike blood sugar levels.
While weight loss is one potential benefit of strawberries, they also improve blood flow, assist with various cardiovascular problems, provide anti-aging benefits, assist with hyperpigmentation and acne, and lower cholesterol.
Strawberries have been proven through research to have a hefty supply of other health benefits for certain conditions like obesity, neurodegeneration, cancer, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome.
Moving onto another controversial fruit - are grapes good for you? Yes! Though they’re sweet, they’re low in calories and aren’t fattening if you’re aware of your serving size. Grapes also contain resveratrol, an antioxidant that can help maintain your metabolism as well as reduce weight and fat.
11. KIWI
Kiwis are another fruit that’s satisfyingly sweet but doesn’t go overboard in the calorie department.
They’re also really high in fiber, making them a great choice if you want to eat less without getting hungry too quickly.